Public Art Projects : Bibliobandido and literacy

“I am the Bibliobandido. I am ravenous for stories, and stories give me sustenance. Those that don’t feed me…beware!”

This photo caught our attention and then we had to read about the project. We've all heard of bookmobiles and summer reading programs — we have friends that have a bookmobile. But this especially wonderful project of wordplay and public participation take art and reading by burro into a community. A wonderful project by REV .  Art is social!

Check out the project and other photos.
See the project >

from the website:

Bibliobandido is a public art project, legend, and mobile book-making workshop transported from village to village by burro ('biblioburro'), bike ('bibliobici'), or bag ('bibliobolsa'). Developed by REV- in collaboration with the community of El Pital, located in Northern Honduras, the Bibliobandido workshop ('Taller Bibliobandido') promotes literacy and self-publishing in a region whose infrastructure has been decimated by both Hurricane Mitch in 1998 and instability under the current presidential regime.