RiTUAL. A ceremonial act ~ Rites used in the course of worship ~ The performance of ceremonial acts ~ The prescribed form of conducting the ceremony ~ A method of procedure that is followed without variation ~ performance with gestures, words, and objects, often in a sequestered place.

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Dwayne Boone

Dwayne Daniel Boone was born and raised in Germantown, Philadelphia. Dwayne grew up in foster care, and attended church as a child. Dwayne began to draw comic-book characters at an early age, inspired by the talents of his childhood friend, Adrien. As a child he would have a pencil in his hand as soon as he got home from school, and his mother would nag him to finish his homework before drawing. Art-making brought Dwayne solace through his struggles, and he continued to create imagery based on pop culture into adulthood.

Dwayne's Book of Faces

Oasis Art Center - book by Dwayne Boone
Oasis Art Center - book by Dwayne Boone

Hand-drawn original/Pencil & colored pencil

Artwork in Ritual Single-sheet book show (2013)

Oasis Art Center - book by Dwayne Boone Oasis Art Center - book by Dwayne Boone
Dwayne's Book of Faces         
Oasis Art Center Oasis Art Center
Dwayne's Doodlebook