Lino cut book of a nomadic world gone by.
RiTUAL. A ceremonial act ~ Rites used in the course of worship ~ The performance of ceremonial acts ~ The prescribed form of conducting the ceremony ~ A method of procedure that is followed without variation ~ performance with gestures, words, and objects, often in a sequestered place.
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Emma Pyle (Meetz) is a working artist currently living in Pittsburgh, Pa with a degree in printmaking and book arts from The University of the Arts. The appeal of the book form for her work is the durability and structure. Not only is it a perfect way to house a body of work but an ideal way to tell a story. Books are meant to be handled and used and passed down. Most of her artist books have no words for the viewer to create their own narrative within the realm created.
Lino cut book of a nomadic world gone by.